These rules pertain throughout all the forums! Please follow them.
1. Inappropriate language We expect that all of our members in the pack use appropriate language. It can be hurtful to others even if it's not towards anyone. Please keep any posts of the forum clean. This is a friendly community and we expect to see it that way.
Consequence if this rule is broken: Member(s) may be warned the first time, kicked temporarily if it happens twice, and banned if it occurs a third time.
2. Respect/Maturity Respect is something we all should have. It make good impressions and friends. Any disrespect toward the Administrators or members here would be inexcusable and he/she would be penalized. Maturity is another thing. We don't babysit babies here! Please be mature to your age and not the other way around. We can have moments, but otherwise, constant immature behavior would put the pack under stress. So please be courteous to all!
Consequences if rule is broken: Member(s) may receive a warning first. If it continues constantly even though mods are telling them to stop, they may be kicked from the pack temporarily.
3. Spamming
Please don't spam on the forums. The only place we allow spamming is in the games forums where some consist of a one word answer. Be sure that you are posting only once and not double posting. If you need to add something to your post, just click the edit button in the top right corner of your post.
4. Include all in RP!
Everyone is here to have fun, mainly, in RP. We would like it if everyone didn't exclude anyone from RP. Everyone wants to be paid attention to in the role play and have fun posting. Please don't alienate(Exclude from something) anyone.
5. Back-Modding
Please don't pretend to mod. If it's not in your ability to do so, don't do it. Leave moderating to the Moderators. Thank you!
Consequences: A warning/gentle reminder, Kicked, banned a third time.